Our pets are so special to us in so many ways. Do you know the following things that make your pets so special? Here are 10 Fun facts about Dogs.

1.   Dogs are capable of understanding up to 250 words and gestures. They can count to five and perform simple mathematical calculations. The average dog is as intelligent as a two year old child.

2.  The famous golfer Tiger Woods stuttered as a child and used to talk to his dog until he fell asleep to get rid of it.

3.   In ancient China, the emperor's last line of defense was a small pekingnese dog literally hidden up his sleeves.

4.    Basenji is the only breed of dog that can't bark, but they yodel!

5.   A dogs sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than humans, they can even smell diseases like cancer, diabetes and even tell if their owner is about to have a seizure because they cant detect the most minute changes in their owners body through their nose. What a nose!!!

6.   Dogs can see in color. Its a common misconception that dogs see only in black and white, but they can actually see in color only not as vivid as humans. They only have two cones in their eyes unlike humans who have three. Which means they only see colors on a blue and yellow scale but can't distinguish between green and red. But on the upside their night vision is far better than humans. Their eyes contain a special membrane called tapetum licidum which allows them see in the dark.

7.   Just like Humans, dogs have their own unique fingerprint. Only its on their nose. The combination of ridges and creases is so distinct that it can't be used to identify each dog.

8.   Ancient Eyptians revered their dogs. When a pet dog died, thier owners would shave their eyebrows, smear mud in their hair and mourn aloud for days. Talk about dogaholics!!

9.   Zorba an English mastiff is the biggest dog ever recorded. He weighed 155 kilograms and measured 8foot 3 inches from nose to tail.

10.  Most pet owners (94 percent) said their dogs make them smile more than once a day. Who said having a dog isn't the most pawsome thing ever!!