Basically, Its quite difficult to determine if a dog is pregnant in the first few weeks of gestation. Watching your dog more closely, you might find some of the following signs.

Decreased/Increased appetite: Most Female dogs would either have a slight reduction in the quantity of food consumed and some would eat a lot more. Not all dogs go through this; if your dog doesn't eat much don't force her, likewise if she eats and still asks for more. but be careful not to overfeed her.

Vomiting: Some dogs go through a phase called morning sickness which the symptoms include vomiting. when you notice this in your dog after breeding,  don't panic. but if it occurs frequently contact your vet.

Behavior changes: Some dogs get more clingy and require more attention. they want to be with you always and have this look of satisfaction when you're touching them. others just want to be alone and not disturbed. they'll isolate themselves when other dogs are playing. if you notice this after breeding, your bitch might be pregnant.

Discharge from the vulva: This is another sign your dog is pregnant. if you notice a creamy discharge around 3-5 weeks of pregnancy then your dog might be pregnant. this discharge continues till birth and is mostly seen early in the morning.

Change in Nipple color: About four weeks, the color of the nipples begin to turn pink. this is due to the increased level of blood flow in the area. noticing this in a dog that has littered a few times might be a bit difficult, but its easier seen in first timers.

All this and other changes that occurs in your dogs are signs she's pregnant.
some uncommon signs are increased shedding, dog itching a particular spot at the lower part of the belly, and lots more.