So you have finally decided to get yourself a dog. You want to know what needs to be put in place before you adopt of buy a dog. You want to know how to recognize a reputable breeder. Training the dogs and all.

Firstly, you must realize that getting a puppy is like having a newborn in the house. They require your time and the best care they can get. You need to understand that your new puppy has become an added responsibility.


Before bringing your puppy home, a few things need to be put in place.

- Puppy Food 
- Puppy Toys
- Puppy Crate
- Feeding Bowls

Buying or Adopting a puppy less than 8 weeks is not advisable, except you have enough experience with handling puppies. Also ensure your puppy has had at least her first shot and ensure you follow up with your veterinarian.

Your Vet can prescribe a good puppy food for you, and will help your puppy through puppy-hood. Ensure you get a good and reliable Vet. Ask a friend who already has a dog or your Neighbor.

Potty training your puppy should start immediately. Click here to learn how to potty train your puppy.

Training also starts immediately. Teach your new puppies what you like and don't like. Dogs learn to blend in your lifestyle if you always correct them on time. Be sure to catch them in the act if you want to correct them. There are other corrective measures other than spanking, like No-Play, A harsh NO, No toys or any other ways you can think of.

Puppies play-bite as part of growing up. This is why you need to get them chew toys to play with or they'll automatically turn your leg to a biting spot.

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